Cloud-Production software is for manage quotation, order, production batch, raw material store,
finished store, packing & shipment. System is integrated with accounts and point of sale modules (TradePlus).
Through the system top management will smartly monitor production status using Phone, Tab, Laptop, PC via Internet from any time and place.
Module Components
- Production Management
- Product Cost Estimate based on material price
- Quotation Management
- Order Management
- Production request by management
- Batch creation
- Batch wise auto raw material requisition
- Production QC pass & and report
- Transfer to finished goods store
- Raw Material Store
- Purchase requisition
- Purchase Order
- Purchase Receive
- Material Requisition
- Material Issue/Out
- Material In/Out Ledger
- Meterial inventory with minimum stock level
- Supplier Account Management
- Interective 360 degree report view
- Dashboard for top management
- Finished Goods Store
- Finished Goods IN
- Finished Goods OUT/Transfer to POS module
- Finished Goods Inventory
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
- Point of Sale (TradePlus)

Key features:
- Online order & quotation
- Order ID wise production status monitoring
- Production costing & profit calculation
- Raw material store
- Finished goods store
- Dashboard for top management
- Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
- Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
- Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
- Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
- Data are backup in 3 location in cloud environment for protect business information from digester in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.

Business Process Flow
- For each product, there will have a setting of raw materials with quantity.
- When a customer asks for estimation of products and its quantity, software will auto calculate and produce a report of production cost, available finished goods stock, how much row material require, current available row material and additional required raw materials.
- Seeing run time exact report, marketing team can offer best price for client, based on data without risk.
- System will also help to calculate time duration for shipment time commitment.
- After price negotiation client provide a work order. Marketing team send it to sales team (Point of Sale-POS) to generate proforma invoice and create bill for the client. This bill hit in accounting system as client head that is client receivable.
- Marketing Team/Commercial team send the proforma invoice to process LC (Letter of Credit) by bank. Or client can pay on cheque or cash.
- Commercial team will enter all LC related information like LC bank, shipment date, amount, rate, relevant documents.
- In shipment module, there will have shipment schedule information, delivery information and related information.
- According to client/customer order request manager submit production request with quantity.
- With reference of production request a series of batch will be created.
- For each batch, raw material requisition list will prepare auto through software. After print production manager submits to raw store section with signature.
- Seeing the raw material requisition raw store manager issues the materials at minimum steps. And item stock inventory decrease automatically.
- Raw store manager will get auto item in/out ledger and other summary reports. Raw store can purchase and store material according to specific client’s style wise.
- When a batch complete, production manager will update production status with QC (Quality Control) passed quantity, wastage quantity and other relevant information.
- Top management can get current production status report in a dashboard so that they can monitor and supervise overall production as per shipment schedule.
- Based on QC passed quantity production quantity are sent to finished goods store and adjust stock inventory.
- Wastage store will have all wastage products that will come under monitor by top management
- Finished goods store can transfer product to one warehouse to another, even to POS store for delivery to client.
- POS module manage sales, create client receivable in integrated accounting modules.
- Accounts manager can collect bill and adjust in client receivable head. System will generate client ledger statement so that system can print or send to client’s email as well as mobile SMS notification like bank.
- Production module will produce following reports:
- Production request list
- Batch wise production quantity, QC pass quantity
- Raw material inventory