Cloud-MeetingMinutes software is for manage meeting agenda, meeting notice generation,
participants, meeting room schedule booking, meeting minutes generation according to decision action point, monitoring pending action points.
Module Components
- Board/Committee Management
- Member information with CV & validity period
- Board Committee generation with validity period
- Notify admin for member/comittee expiration
- Agenda/Issue Management
- Agenda submission by department or staff
- Print agenda list according to date range and status
- Agenda approval and assigned to committee
- Notify submitter about action of the agenda
- Staff comments/feedback on agenda
- Meeting Venue Management
- Meeting room information with resources
- Booking requision by department or staff
- Venue Schedule Calendar
- Meeting Management
- Agenda finalization
- Participant inclussion
- Venue & Logistics requisition
- Meeting notice generation
- Meeting notice send to email or mobile SMS
- Agenda discussion notes
- Action point with responsible person
- Meeting minutes generation and upload signed copy for archiveing
- Update action point complete parcent
- MIS Reporting & Dashboard
- Dashboard for top managment
- Agenda & Action Point status monitoring
- Monitor pending action point and keep advice note

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Key features:
- Address issues to resolve by organising meeting
- Any employee can submit agenda/issue
- Issue approval by committee
- Meeting venue schedule calendar management
- Agenda status will be monitor
- Action point status monitor
- Dashboard for top management
- Email & SMS notification for meeting action
- Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
- Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
- Interactive business analysis report generation in 360 degree report view (BI tools)
- Data are backup in 3 location in cloud environment for protect business information from digester in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.
Process flow
- CSL Meeting Minutes management module is for manage meeting letter generation, meeting agenda, participants, meeting room schedule booking, meeting minutes according decision action point, pending action point monitoring mechanism.
- Meeting minutes’ main benefit is to trace decision action point execution status monitoring. If any decision is pending it can be forwarded to next meeting.
- Meeting initiate with selection of meeting room. Room schedule calendar help to find out free time slot.
- Meeting room schedule is confirmed by entering the record the digital register.
- Based on free room slot meeting letter will be prepare including participant, meeting agenda.
- The meeting letter can be sent to participant’s email or physical print copy.
- Meeting attendance will be recorded to the system. As per meeting discussion meeting minutes will be recorded to the system with decision action points indicating responsible person.
- When meeting minutes prepare it will be sent to participant via email or physical copy.
- This decision action progress and status will be update when execution done. According to decision action point status top management can monitor and follow-up.