Cloud-Cooperative Management

Cloud-Cooperative Management

Cloud-Cooperative is Web based integrated software that manages Member Information's, Loan Management, Accounts, Management Information's System. Our software is a monthly payment basis SAAS (Software as a Service) product using Oracle Apex and hosted in Cloud Environment. It has 3 geo location data backup and world class security management

  • Cooperative Management
    • Member Communication & Document Management
    • Project Creation
    • Project wise costing Management
    • Client Profile & Document Management
    • Installment setting
    • Collection & Due Management
    • Email & SMS Notification
    • MIS Reporting for management decision
    • Client/member Access for account information access
    • Loan Management
    • One Click to billing
    • Multi-User Sign-In

Modules Components

  • Accounts
    1. Voucher entry (Dual & Multi)
    2. Invoice wise collection
    3. One Click Billing
    4. Ledger
    5. Unlimited level chart of accounts
    6. Member wise ledger
    7. All Transaction
    8. Pending Voucher List
    9. Income/Expense Statement
    10. Profit & Loss
    11. Trial Balance
    12. Balance Sheet
    13. Account 360- degree BI Reports
    14. Voucher Document Upload
    15. Interest Calculation
  • Member Info
    1. Member information's & Document Management
    2. Member Ledger
    3. Member Wise Deposit & Due Report
    4. Member Due
    5. Dashboard for Management & Member
  • MIS Report
    1. Supplier Outstanding
    2. General Ledger
    3. Installment Report
    4. Installment Details Report
    5. Installment Details Report Grid
    6. Month Wise Collection
    7. Plot Wise Report
    8. Bank Ledger
    9. User Wise collection
    10. Bank Forwarding Letter
    11. Group Wise Report
  • Setting
    1. Employee Information
    2. Supplier Information
    3. Organization Information

Key Features:

  • Member Information/Document Management
  • Loan Management
  • Dashboard for Top Management
  • Meeting Management
  • Agenda/Issue Management
  • Installment schedule management
  • One Click billing
  • Member Ledger
  • Collection and SMS Notification
  • Full Accountings management
  • MIS Report for Management
  • Multi-User Sign-In
  • Email & SMS notification for accounts and invoice transaction
  • Mobile, Tab, PC based operation
  • Simplicity: easy navigation & operation
  • Data is backed up in 3 locations in a cloud environment to protect business information from digesters in fire, stolen, robbery, etc.